Katherine Jenkins and Andrea Bocelli - I Believe > 음악

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Katherine Jenkins and Andrea Bocelli - I Believe

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One day I'll hear 
The laugh of children 
In a world where war has been banned. 

One day I'll see 
Men of all colours 
Sharing words of love and devotion. 

Stand up and feel 
The Holy Spirit 
Find the power of your faith. 

Open your heart 
To those who need you 
In the name of love and devotion. 

Yes, I believe. 

I believe in the people 
Of all nations 
To join and to care 
For love. 

I believe in a world 
Where light will guide us 
And giving our love 
We'll make heaven on earth. 

I believe in the people 
Of all nations 
To join and to care 
For love. 

I believe in a world 
Where light will guide us 
And giving our love 
We'll make heaven on earth. 

Yes, I believe. 

I believe in the people 
Of all nations 
To join and to care 
For love. 

I believe in a world 
Where light will guide us 
And giving our love 
We'll make heaven on earth. 

I believe.


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