여리고 길 On the Jericho Road- Gaither Homecoming > 음악

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여리고 길 On the Jericho Road- Gaither Homecoming

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On the Jericho Road


On the Jericho Road

Lyric 가사

As you travel along on the Jericho Road
does the world seem all wrong and heavy load?
Just bring it to Christ your sins all confess
on the Jericho Road your heart He will bless

On the Jericho Road there's room for just two
no more and no less, just Jesus and you
each burden He'll bear, each sorrow he'll share
there's never a care for Jesus is there

On the Jericho Road blind Bartemaeus sat
his life was a void so empty and flat
but Jesus appeared one word brought him sight
on the Jericho Road Christ banished his night

On the Jericho Road there's room for just two
no more and no less, just Jesus and you
each burden He'll bear, each sorrow he'll share
there's never a care for Jesus is there

O my brother to you this message I bring
though hope may be gone He'll cause you to sing
at Jesus command sin's shackles must fall
on the Jericho Road will you answer his call?

On the Jericho Road there's room for just two
no more and no less, just Jesus and you
each burden He'll bear, each sorrow he'll share
there's never a care for Jesus is there

출처: 에녹블로그  글쓴이: 에녹님   원글보기


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