God Cleanses the Sins of Those Who Come Unto Him > 엘렌의 글방

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God Cleanses the Sins of Those Who Come Unto Him

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God Cleanses the Sins of Those Who Come Unto Him ㅡ

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

Though men and women have sinned grievously, they are not forsaken. The hand that upholds the world, upholds and strengthens His weakest child.

Thus He would assure sinners that sins of the greatest magnitude can be forgiven if the transgressor seeks for pardon, surrendering himself, body, soul, and spirit, to be transformed by the grace of God and changed into His likeness.

In behalf of man God has poured out the whole treasury of heaven, and in return He expects and claims our entire affections.

(Our High Calling 28)


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