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<여성 사역자에 관하여>
복음전도 제 13장 "여성 사역자들을 위한 적절한 보수" 의 말씀을 소개 합니다.
" 하나님께서 이 문제를 결정지으셨음 -- 만일 말씀과 교훈을 전하는
대부분의 사역자들에게 가장 마음에거리껴 행하기 싫어하는 일을
여성들이 수행하고 또한 저들의 수고가 현저히 등한시하여 온 한가지
사업을 성취했다는 사실을 증거한다면 그러한 수고를 안수받은 목사
들의 풍성한 결실을 거두는 수고처럼 인정해 주어야 할 것이 아닌가? ...
이 문제는 인간이 해결해야 할 문제가 아니다. 주님께서 이미 그
문제를 결정지으셨다. 그대들은 복음을 위해서 수고하는 여성들 즉
모든 가족들에게 진리를 전하는 일에 있어서 저들의 활동이 절대적으로
중요하다고 증명한 여성들에 대하여 그대들의 의무를 다해야 한다.
저들이 하는 사업은 반드시 수행되어야 하며, 그리고 그 사업은
장려되어야 한다. 여러 면에 있어서 여성은 남성이 할 수 없는 어떤
지식을 다른 자매들에게 나누어 줄 수 있다. 이러한 여성들의 활동이
없이는 주님의 사업에 큰 손실을 보게 될 것이다. 주님께서는 계시를
통해 사업을 수행하기 위하여 주님께서 남성들을 임명하신 것에 못지
않게 여성 교사들도 크게 요구된다는 것을 나에게 거듭거듭 보여 주
셨다." --원고 1 42, 1903
영어원문 참조: "God Has Settled This
Question.--If women do the work that is not the most agreeable to many
of those who labor in word and doctrine, and if their works testify that
they are accomplishing a work that has been manifestly neglected,
should not such labor be looked upon as being as rich in results as the
work of the ordained ministers? Should it not command the hire of the
laborer? . . . {Ev 493.1}
This question is not for men to
settle. The Lord has settled it. You are to do your duty to the women
who labor in the gospel, whose work testifies that they are essential to
carrying the truth into families. Their work is just the work that must
be done, and should be encouraged. In many respects a woman can impart
knowledge to her sisters that a man cannot. The cause would suffer great
loss without this kind of labor by women. Again and again the Lord has
shown me that women teachers are just as greatly needed to do the work
to which He has appointed them as are men." --Manuscript 142, 1903. {Ev
위의 증언의 말씀을 보면, 분명히 여성사역자의 필요성과 중요성을 언급하시고,
나아가서, 보수까지 줘야 한다는 점을 강조하고 있읍니다.
IO-MO(Iowa Missouri) conference 합회장 이신, 딘 코리단(Dean Coridan) 목사님께서
캠프미팅에서 호소하신 말씀에 의하면 문자적인 성경말씀에는 남자 목회자 도
사실 엄격히 따지자면, 하나님이 택하신 "레위족속" 여야 한다는 점을 지적하셨읍니다.
딘 코리단 목사님이 지적한 대로 본다면, 오늘날 남성 목회자분들 모두가 오직
하나님이 택하신 "레위족속" 에서 선택되었는가? 현실은 분명 아닙니다.
(cf. 예수님의 십자가로 제사장 역할이 필요없게되었고, 지금은 예수님이 우리의
대제사장 이시며, 예수님께서 친히 "레위족속" 이 아닌 주님의 제자들을
교회의 지도자로 택하셨었습니다...etc.)
또 한가지 짚고 넘어갈일이 있는데요,
대부분 우리 여성들의 마음속에 자리잡고 있는 (복음사업에 관하여)
부정적인 사고방식이 있는데
그것은 바로 "교회에서 여성은 잠잠하라"고 했으니 그냥 가만히 있는것이
바람직한 덕(德)이라는 즉, 복음사업을 막는 소극적이고 부정적인 생각을 대부분
여성분들이 갖고 있다는 것이 현실적인 교회 문제입니다.
주요 포인트를 언급하자면, 복음사업에 관하여
하나님께서 분명히 "여성 사역자" 역할의 필요성과 중요성을 계시를 통하여 거듭 강조
하셨음에도 불구하고, 사단이 이 일을 간교하게 하나님의 복음사업을 방해하기 위해
고안해 낸 방법으로, "여성은 목회사역자가 될수 없다"고 밀고 나가게
하는 것이 아닐까? 하는 생각이 드는 것도 사실입니다.
그 좋은 예로, 장로교회에서 개종한 어느 여집사님이 "교회 여성 선교모임" 에
참석하기를 거절하면서 하는말이, "여자는 교회에서 조용히 있으라 했으니
"여성 선교모임" 그런 것 나는 싫습니다. 그런 모임 반대합니다. 그런 것 해서는
안된다고 생각합니다" 라고 말하는 그 여자집사의
생각이 하나님에게서 온 생각일까요? ...
이러한 것들이
하나님의 말씀과 성품을 왜곡 시키고
하나님의 복음 사업을 방해하기위해
우는 사자처럼 삼킬자를 찾고있는
사단의 간교한 움직임(Movement)중에
하나일 수 도 있다는 생각으로 결론을 맺습니다.
이 문제에 관하여 우리 재림교우중에 한 사람인,
한 젊은 재림청년(young man )의 의견을 여기 소개합니다:
Ellen G. White was a woman, but she
had a major big role in the early Adventist church movement. She was a
woman, yet she was a leading figure in the Adventist church, gave
sermons and talks at camp meetings and prayer meetings, and made
decisions for leading the Adventist church. We should remember that it
was GOD HIMSELF who chose Ellen White -- a woman -- to carry out these
evangelistic and church leadership roles, including writing the Spirit
of Prophecy. God had tried to use two other men to communicate the
visions, but they failed to do so, and it was then that GOD chose a
woman, Ellen White, to do what they failed to do. If women cannot or
should not be ordained to serve in the church, then we should also
condemn Ellen G. White and much of Seventh-Day Adventist Church history
too, because she had much to do in the leadership position of forming of
our church denomination, period.
SDA Pastor Doug Batchelor of
Amazing Facts Ministries, frequently seen on 3ABN, responded to this
same question of whether women "should keep silent in church" by
informing us that in Paul's time, the early Christian church was held
outside and when people were shouting or talking, it became hard to hear
what the speakers down front were saying, so Paul meant that women
should keep silent during these times so as to not embarass their
husbands. Pastor Doug then went on to talk about how the Bible actually
has several examples of women in church/leadership positions, such as:
Deborah, the female judge in the time of the Judges; Miriam, who
assisted Moses and his brother Aaron who was the High Priest; Esther,
who God used to save His Israelite people from a death decree; Anna in
the New Testament who served day and night in the Temple and prophesied
about Jesus Christ; and Pastor Doug ended by talking about how in the
book of Judges, Jephthah sacrificed his daughter to God by dedicating
her to serve in the Temple for the rest of her life, and she mourned her
virginity because it meant she would never be married but serve God
only, and how every year, her female friends went up to visit her
serving in the Temple.
Furthermore, God tells us in His Word,
in the New Testament, in Acts 2:17 (KJV) : "And it shall come to pass
in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy..."
In Galatians 3:28, the same Paul who people quote to say women should not be ordained simply because they are female, says that
in Christ Jesus and the New Covenant, there is no difference between
male or female when it comes to serving Christ and sharing the Gospel
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
Paul also writes in Romans 16: 1 - 4 about some female servants of the church:
"I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church
which is at Cenchrea:
That ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her
in whatsoever business she hath need of you: for she hath been
a succourer of many, and of myself also.
Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus:
Who have for my life laid down their own necks: unto whom not only I give thanks,
but also all the churches of the Gentiles."
Pastor Dean Coridan, President
of the Iowa-Missouri Conference, addressed the issue on the ordination
of women and said that as Christians under the New Covenant,
we are now under the Priesthood of All Believers.
Strictly speaking, God only ordained
one specific tribe of Israelites, the Levites, to become priests, nobody
else. So if they were still going by the old rule, then no Gentile, or
non-Levite, should become ordained either. But once Jesus Christ paid
the price for sin and redeemed the human race by buying our salvation
with His perfect offering of death on the cross and resurrection, Jesus
became our High Priest mediating for us before God the Father in the
Heavenly Sanctuary. The Old Testament sacrificial system became
obsolete, and historically, the Jewish Temple was destroyed by the Roman
armies. Once God rejected the Israelites after they rejected and
crucified Jesus Christ the Son of God, God then gave the message and
promise to the Gentiles. Under this new system, the priesthood was
opened up to the Priesthood of All Believers, and for the first time,
non-Jews were becoming ordained into the church. Plus, the first
Christian church leaders, the disciples, were Jews, but they were not
Levites, so by Law of Moses, they should not have been ordained either.
However, it was Jesus Christ the Son of God Himself, Who first gave the
Law to Moses in the very beginning, Who ordained and selected the
disciples and prepared them and gave them the Great Commission command
to go into all nations and baptize them in the Gospel.
Pastor David Gates, of Gospel
Ministry International, said in a sermon that Ellen White wrote that in
the Last Days, when persecution comes, it will be so strong that it will
wipe out the entire SDA denomination and everyone in the SDA leadership
position such as pastors and elders, will scatter and those who seek positions of power will leave the church and never return.
However, once that first great storm of persecution passes over, one by
one, the remaining faithful members will come out of hiding and regroup
to form small groups of believers who still hold onto the true message
and faith. Then, it is at this time that God would have them pray
and elect amongst themselves members to leadership positions, those who
previously never sought such positions before, but will take them on now out of necessity. It will be this remnant group, Ellen White said, that
will carry out the final message of truth to the world mightily and in
the great power of God before salvation and probation closes on the
world and Jesus comes back for His people. During this regrouping
period, there will be no arguing about whether women should be ordained
or not, because the entire denomination will be wiped out, and only
small groups will carry the message. During this time, men and women
will be counted not by their gender, but by their faith and dedication
to continue the Advent message in the earth's final hours. If
this matter will be relevant or important in that time, there is no
reason it should be argued now, as women have served important roles in
God's church historically and continue to be used by God today as well.
If anything, it is Satan , the enemy of God and His people, who also
knows this truth, and is doing everything he can to block the way for at
least half the human race, (women) -- to work for God and be used by
God to do His work. Doing this and causing division and waste of
resources gives Satan a victory in successfully disabling and making of
no effect around 50% of God's workers in these last days when the
harvest is ripe, but the workers are few.
I should end by stating that there is,
however, no Biblical record of a woman being ordained as a pastor
position, though women have served in other areas of ministry.
Here are links for further research into this subject that may help you:
Here are the links to Pastor Coridan's talk on this subject:
Here is Pastor Doug Batchelor's official points for his position against ordination
of women from a Biblical perspective:
* * *
[최차순/건강과복음] 19. 자급 선교사가 되려는 청년들에게
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7rvk8MloihQ" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>
[최차순/건강과복음] 16. 사람이 죽으면 어떻게 되는가?
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SA2k4EgAu9Q" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>
세상을 바꾸는 시간, 15분
세바시 15분 14회 - 태도의 힘 @ 유인경 경향http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=rxOz8PV_d50&NR=1
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rxOz8PV_d50" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>
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