손자를 위한 할머니의 기도
페이지 정보
“손자를 위한 할머니의 기도”-박옥종
Lord, when this new life was born into our family,
You know how elated we were.
All night I waited for him in the hospital and I did not feel tired.
Among all the babies born at that time,
He was the smallest baby in the hospital.
He was just a naked little life, not attractive to see.
However, when I saw him through the window,
Kicking with his little body, red-faced and crying,
My heart melted, my soul captivated by this little life.
Before coming out of the hospital
He was named Shin-Heng.
That name contains my wish.
It means, “To live a faithful life for the Lord.”
It is a proper name and You gave it to him.
He grew wiser as he grew up.
He liked listening to stories. He liked to listen to them over and over again.
He tried to practice the right things when he understood them.
He had a tenacious will to live by principles.
Sometimes he would ask for the impossible.
But, he also knew how to discern good from bad.
Healthy, strong, warm-hearted, and ambitious,
I saw he was given these gifts by God.
Loving Lord!
John is now 15, soon to be 16.
I know he is in an important period of his life.
You know this better than I.
Now he is struggling
In this fierce battle with himself.
Please help him to win.
You know how strongly Satan attacks him to steal his heart.
Everyday, he falls down and rises up, falls down and rises up again.
In this bloody battle, please encourage and help him.
Let the promise of Isaiah 49:25
Be fulfilled in him and save him.
Please have him turn away from
Everything that leads to disappointment.
Help him look up only to You
Because You are the only hope.
Help him to live according to the meaning of his name
Following Your way faithfully.
And according to the promise of Ezekiel 36:26, 27
Please transform him into Your character.
According to 2 Corinthian 5:17 allow him to become a new creation.
I believe You fulfill Your unchanging words.
I believe You will answer all these prayers.
I believe You will fill him with Your unlimited blessings.
I praise You. Amen.

Family Picture at Andrews University Church Where My Mother Knelt down and Prayed every morning
어머니께서 새벽마다 무릎꿇고 기도하시던 앤드류스 대학교회 앞에서 찍은 가족 사진
I wrote poems for the Lord, scheduled my daily plans of living with Jesus, and lived always with happiness and gratefulness in a shipshape manner for God.
It seemed like there was nothing bothering between me and God.
Even though I was poor and lived in a room that was -3C and had to wrap myself up with the blanket, I was happy, more than ever.
Once a beloved wife that all the village people had adored, I was called a truly lucky woman at that time.
Will I be able to compare the happiness between now and then?
It was infinite happiness that no one will understand.
By the grace of heaven, I lived with the fountain of life which filled me inside.
***그 영광의 빛 속으로!!!-6.25로 사랑하는 남편을 잃고, 불치병과 가난과 절망의 구렁텅이에서 구세주를 만난 여인의 파란만장한 삶의 이야기(박옥종 Lilian Chung)***
*아래에 있는 1부, 2부, 3부, 4부, 5부를 클릭하시면 계속되는 흥미진진하고 교훈적인 유익한 스토리를 읽으실 수 있습니다.
***그 영광의 빛 속으로!!! 제 1부 출생과 배경!!! 박옥종 (Lilianan Chung) [4]
***그 영광의 빛 속으로!!! 제 2부 행복한 결혼! 해방! 아들, 딸의 출생! [4]
***그 영광의 빛 속으로!!! 제 3부 두 번째 꿈 이야기!!! 한국 동란! 고난의 세월!!! 가난 속에 핀 꽃!!![2]
***그 영광의 빛 속으로 제 4부 세번 째 꿈 이야기!!! 새출발! 침례! 인생역전 시작!!![3]
***그 영광의 빛 속으로!!! 제 5부 감사의 노래!!![3]
***Into the Glorious Light!!! Part 1 Birth and Family background!!! [4]
***Into the Glorious Light Part 2 Wedding and Early marriage life!!! [2]
***Into the Glorious Light!!! Part 3 by Korean War! Difficult Life!!! [2]
***Into the Glorious Light!!! Part 4 New Start! Baptism! [2]
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