할머니와 손자녀들 제 5부 나의 사랑하는 외손자 신혁
페이지 정보
할머니와 손자녀들 - 박옥종
제 5부 나의 사랑하는 손자 신혁
“나의 눈물을 씻어주신 나의 주님"
날마다, 아픈 가슴을 붙잡고
시시때때로 다시 주님을 쳐다보니
주님은 나의 곁에 오셔서 나의 눈물을 닦아주시네
세상을 따라가는 영혼들을 위해
나의 심장은 부서져 찢어지고; 주님은 나를 치유하시네.
순간 순간 나의 슬픈 마음을 기쁨으로 바꿔주신다.
주님, 당신은 모든 슬픔과 고통의 치유자이십니다.
나의 모든 걱정을 해결하시는 의로운 분이시요
나의 모든 짐을 지시는 분이십니다.
내가 하늘을 바라보며 나의 두 손을 들 때
그는 지성소에서 일어서시고
내가 무릎을 꿇을 때 그는 나의 마음에 오십니다.
주님, 당신의 호흡으로 우리에게 생명을 주소서
당신의 미소로 우리에게 기쁨을 주소서
당신의 두 팔로 우리를 안으소서.
오늘, 나는 나의 눈물을 닦아주시는 나의 주님을 쳐다보며
나의 탄원을 아룁니다~
나의 주님께서 나의 탄원을 들으시고 이루어주실 것입니다.
“사랑하는 신혁아”
내가 슬퍼할 때, 주님은 거기 계셨다
그는 나의 곁에 항상 계셨다
내가 이것을 깨달았을 때
나의 마음은 깊은 감동을 받았고
나의 눈에는 눈물이 가득했다.
하나님이 사랑이심을 알지 못하고
마음대로 이야기하는
손자를 위해
나의 마음은 찢어진다.
오, 신혁아!
나의 마음이 찢어질 때
너를 위해 십자가에서 찢어지신
주님의 마음은 어떠하시겠느냐?
그 자신의 생명을 버리신
예수님은 너를 사랑하신다.
주 예수님께로 돌아오라
다시는 주님을 못박는 사람이 되지 말아라
“주님, 부디 일어서소서”
주님, 감사합니다. 당신의 은혜에 다시 감사드립니다.
주님을 아직 알지 못하는 사람들에게
당신을 아는 지식을 얻게 하소서.
십대의 청소년들을 생각할 때, 나의 가슴이 아픔니다.
부서지고 찢어지고 고통스러운 마음 속에
주님은 치유의 광선을 비추시고
주님 안에서 더욱 깊은 신뢰를 얻고
나의 마음에 평화를 얻도록 도와주신다
그들로 하여금 미츤 군중에게로 달려가게 하는
그들의 시끄러운 음악을 듣지 않도록 어떻게 중지시킬 수 있을까
사람을 슬프게 하는 음악을 연주하는
그들의 기타 줄들을 어떻게 끊어버릴 수 있을까?
지치도록 고뇌하며 기도하고 또 기도해도
아직 나는 회개의 아무 증거도 발견할 수 없구나.
주님, 당신의 귀를 막으시고, 저의 탄원을 듣지 않으십니까?
얼마나 오래도록 저 아이들을 홀로 두시렵니까?
그들이 이 시끄러운 음악을 듣고 연주하도록 버려두시렵니까?
주님, 부디 일어서셔서
젊은이들을 파괴하려는 사탄의 간계를 물리치소서
악의 희생자가 되는 그들을 구원하소서
그들의 마음을 깨워주시고, 그들이 나아가는 길을 보게 하소서.
오직 주님만이 그들의 구원자이십니다.
오 주님, 그들을 버리지 마시고, 그들을 구원하소서!
“1993년 2월 3일”
사랑하는 신혁아!
나는 오늘 아침에 아름다운 새들의 노래를 들었다. 나는 봄철에 새들이 노래하는 베리엔 스프링스를 그리워 한다. 나는 봄철에 새들이 노래하는 합창을 분명히 듣는 듯이 느낀다.
나의 손자아! 너는 요즈음 어떻게 지내느냐? 아침 일찍 노래하는 새들처럼 너는 이른 아침에 하나님을 찬양하느냐?
너는 하나님으로부터 많은 지혜를 받은 참으로 영특한 사람이다. 너는 날마다 하나님의 은혜로 지혜를 손질하여 녹슬지 않게 해야 한다. 우리의 판단과 지혜는 더욱 더 가다듬어야 한다.
사랑하는 신혁아,
나는 네가 예리한 재능과 이해력을 개발하고 예수님처럼 자라기를 기도한다.
너에게 평강이 임하시기 바란다.
너를 사랑하며 기도한다.
“오늘을 살기 위해”
오 주님, 오늘을 살도록 저에게 힘을 주소서
오늘, 주님을 증거할 수 있도록 저에게 지혜를 주소서
오늘, 주님을 더 많이 바라볼 수 있도록 저에게 희망을 주소서
오늘, 확고부동하게 서 있도록 저에게 믿음을 주소서
더욱더 사랑과 인내와 겸손의 사람이 되고
주님을 바르게 반사하고, 주님께 영광을 돌리게 하소서
“너무나 큰 사랑”
뼈가 녹는 듯한
나의 마음을 주님은 아신다
나의 불타는 가슴을
주님은 아신다.
너무나 큰 사랑 때문에
나는 포기할 수 없다
주님은 그의 생명을 주시기까지 우리를 살아하셨다.
오 주님 그와 같은 사랑을 저에게도 주소서
주님께서 사랑하신 것처럼 저도 그들을 사랑하게 하소서
끝까지 그들을 사랑하게 하소서
“1992년 12월 13일”
사랑하는 신혁아,
할머니는 너를 사랑한다.
너를 보러 베리엔 스프링스에 가기 원했지만,
최근에 한 눈 수술 때문에 거기 가는 것을 연기해야만 한다.
신혁아, 네가 교통사고를 당했다는 말을 듣고 많이 염려했다.
그러나 네가 회복했다니 감사하다.
네가 안전하다는 말을 듣고 하나님께 감사드렸는데,
네가 아파서 학교에도 못 가고, 잘 먹지도 못 한다는 말을 듣고 다시 염려한다.
좋은 건강을 위해 좋은 음식을 먹어야 한다.
그리고 너는 건전한 정신을 소유하기 위해 건강한 몸을 소유해야 한다.
바른 생각을 하고 이 세상에서 정직하고 유용한 인물이 되기 위해 좋은 건강은 필수적이다.
"그러므로 너희가 먹든지 마시든지 무엇을 하든지 다 하나님의 영광을 위하여 하라." 고린도 전서 10:31
너는 장차 하나님을 위해 놀라운 일을 하고 동료 학생들에게 좋은 영향을 줄 것이라고 나는 생각한다. 학생들이 너를 학생 회장으로 선출하였고, 성령께서 그렇게 하도록 그들의 마으멩 역사하셨다.
“의견의 차이를 어떻게 해결할 것인가”
나의 손자 신혁이가 반짝이는 귀고리를 달고 있는 것을 보았을 때, 나는 심장을 찌르는 고통을 느꼈다. "신혁아, 너는 그런 귀고리를 달지 말아야 한다고 나는 생각한다."라고 말했다.
"왜 안 되요, 할머니? 하나님께서 외모로 사람을 판단하지 말라고 하셨는데, 왜 할머니께서는 나를 외모로 판단하세요? 내 마음이 하나님 앞에 순결하면 귀고리 달아도 괜찮아요."라고 그는 말했다.
내가 말할 때마다 영리한 내 외손자 신혁이는 그의 분명한 대답을 했다. 나는 눈을 감고 하나님께 조용히 기도하는 수 밖에 없엇다.
며칠 지난 후 신혁이가 1 인치 되는 귀고리를 달고 다이닝 룸에 나타났다. 자세히 보니까, 귀에 뚫린 구멍에 피가 한 방울 맺혀 있었다. 내 심장은 다시 슬픔으로 가득 찼다.
"신혁아, 너를 바라보시는 예수님의 마음이 얼마나 슬프시겠느냐? 부그러운 일이다. 그 귀고리를 달지 말기를 간청한다. 너의 부모를 생각해라. 부모님 마음이 어떻겠느냐? 너의 엄마가 기절할 것이다."
신혁이는 아마도 그의 외할머니가 바리새인과 같다고 생각하며 기분이 좋지 않았을 것이다. 그러나 나는 조용히 보고만 있을 수 없었다.
“1994년 12월 16일”
사랑하는 아버지시여, 저의 마음이 어둡습니다. 그들은 그들 스스로 록 뮤직을 버릴 수가 없읍니다. 주님의 피로 산 그들에게 동정을 베푸소서. 주님의 자비는 위대하시니이다. 그들에게 새로운 영과 새로운 마음을 주소서. 록 뮤직을 좋아하지 않는 마음을 그들에게 주소서. 그들로 하여금 하늘의 음악을 듣게 하소서.
록 뮤직으로 사람들이 망하고 있읍니다. 얼마나 많은 젊은이들이 록 뮤직 때문에 못쓰게 되었읍니까? 오 아버지, 부디 오셔서 악한 유혹으로부터 그들을 구해주소서. 주님, 저는 오직 주님만 바라봅니다.
왕중왕이시요, 만주의 주이신 당신께서 우리를 위해 피흘리시고, 당신의 몸을 버리사 십자가에서 승리하시고, 당신의 고귀한 보혈로 우리를 구원하셨나이다.
부디 저 망해가는 영혼들을 포기하지 마소서. 당신의 위대한 자비로 그들을 구원하소서. 당신의 능력 있는 말씀으로 그들에게 살아갈 생명을 주시옵소서.
할렐루야! 할렐루야! 주님을 찬양하라! 만백성들이여, 나아와 주님을 찬양하라! 주님께서 이 놀라운 일을 이루셨다!
사랑하는 손자 신혁아!
나는 너를 사랑하며, 네가 너를 너무나 사랑하시는 예수님을 실망시키지 않기 바란다. 모든 사람은 다른 사람들에게 선한 영향이나 혹은 악한 영향을 끼칠 수 있는데, 좋은 사람은 좋은 영향을 끼치고, 나쁜 사람은 나쁜 영향을 끼친다.
신혁아, 너는 선한 뜻이 잇는 사람이니, 너는 애굽에서 모든 환경 속에서 하나님의 편에 섰던 요셉같은 사람이 되기 바란다.
나의 눈이 아직 회복 단계에 있음으로 불편하지만, 나는 넘치는 사랑으로 이 편지를 쓴다. 나는 날마다 너를 생각하며 너를 위해 기도한다.
사랑하는 신혁아,
너는 총명한 사람이니, 항상 예수님을 바라보며 옳은 결정을 하리라 믿는다. 예수님의 평강이 너와 함께 있기 바란다.
너의 할머니
빌립보서 4:5 "너희 관용을 모든 사람에게 알게 하라. 주께서 가까우시니라."
주님, 저는 죄인입니다. 저를 용서하시옵소서. 저는 참는 정신이 부족합니다. 저는 이해하는 마음이 부족합니다. 신혁이가 사랑의 사람이 되기까지 저는 참고, 이해하고 더 큰 사랑을 퍼붓겠읍니다. 주님, 저에게 다시 평화를 주시니 감사합니다.
"눈물의 심장"
나의 심장에 눈물이 흐릅니다.
내가 표현할 수 없는 중심에 그 무엇이
그 안에 못이 박힌 것처럼
이렇게도 많이 사랑하는 것이 고통스럽습니다.
이 고통스러운 삶을
어떻게 계속할 수 있을 지 모르겠습니다.
사랑하는 신혁아!
나는 너를 아주 많이 그리워 한다. 언제 돌아오겠는냐?
나는 너의 건강을 염려한다. 때때로 걱정한다. 그리고 너를 위해 기도한다.
사랑하는 신혁아, 나는 주님과 함께 걷고 대화하며, 너를 위해 기도한다.
항상 성경이 너의 안내자가 되게 하여라.
그러면 너의 삶은 축복 받은 삶이 될 것이다.
신혁아, 사랑한다.
장차 너는 너의 삶을 통하여 예수님을 증거하는 사람이 되기 바란다.
너를 대단히 사랑하는 할머니로 부터
“시련 속에서”
1995년 8월 12일
나의 목청 높여서
주님을 찬양합니다
나의 정성 다하여 주님을 찬양합니다
나의 여정 길고 험하여도
주께서 함께 하시면
바로 그 길은 장미꽃 향기 진동하는 길
서산에 해 기우는 아름다운 모년에
주의 영광 구름 속에 나타나
나를 이끄시니 감사의 찬미 넘치네
나를 정금으로 단련하시기 위해
거듭 거듭 제련하신 과정
뜨거운 눈물로 감사드리옵니다
의인 욥의 시련의 편린이나마
겪게 하시고
주의 고난의 한 순간이라도
알게 하시니 감사가 넘치나이다
주여, 당신의 겟세마네의 피땀어린 기도
나로 하여금 알게 하시고
주의 곁에 더 가까이 이르게 하소서
1994년 4월 4일
사랑은 Love is
말만으로 만들어진 것이 아닙니다
사랑은 마음 깊은 곳으로 부터 옵니다.
- 이전글참다운 친구 15.02.14
- 다음글주를 위해 일하게 하소서 - 박옥종 15.02.07

정무흠님의 댓글

Grandma and Grandchildren 할머니와 손자녀들
Part 5 My Grandson, Alexander
“My Lord Who Wiped Away My Tears”
Day after day, holding a painful heart
Time and time again looking up to the Lord –
He came beside me and wiped away my tears.
For the souls who follow the world
My heart is broken and torn; He soothes me
Moment by moment he changes my grieved heart to joy.
Lord, You are the healer of all sorrow and pain
Man of Righteousness who solves all my worries –
He takes up all of my burdens.
When I look up to heaven while raising my two hands
He stands up in the Most Holy Place.
When I kneel down He comes to my heart.
Lord, give us life through Your breath
Give us joy with Your smile
Hold us with Your two arms.
Today, I look up at my Lord who took away my tears
And tell Him my petitions –
My Lord will hear me and accomplish them.
“Dear Alex”
The Lord was there when I was sad
He was beside me always –
When I realized this,
My heart was deeply moved,
Tears filled my eyes.
My heart is torn
For a grandson
Who does not know that the Lord is love
And talks as he likes.
Oh, Alex!
When my heart is torn,
How does the heart of the Lord feel,
Who was torn on the Cross for you?
Casting down His own life,
He loves you;
Unto the Lord Jesus,
Do not be one to crucify Him again
“Lord, Please Stand Up”
Lord, thank you, again I thank you for Your grace.
To the people who do not know You yet,
Let them gain knowledge of You.
When I think of teenagers, my heart aches.
In this painful heart, broken and torn
Lord, shed Your ray of healing.
Help me find peace in my mind
With a deeper trust in You.
How can I stop them from listening to their music
That makes them rush to the crazy multitude
How can I cut off the strings of the guitar
With which they play music that makes you sad?
Pray and pray, distressed and agonized
Still I can't find any sign of repentance.
Lord, do You cover Your ears and not listen to me?
How long will You leave the boys alone?
Do You leave them to listen and play this music?
Lord, please stand up, eradicate the wiles of Satan
That destroy our youth.
Save them, who are becoming the victims of evil,
Wake up their minds to see the road where they are headed.
Only You can be their Savior –
O Lord, do not forsake them, save them!
“Feb 3, 1993”
Dear Alex,
I heard beautiful songs of the birds this morning. I miss Berrien Springs and the birds singing in the spring time. I feel as if I am listening to a choir of birds singing songs vividly in spring.
My grandson, how are you doing nowadays? Like birds singing in the early morning, do you also praise God early in the morning?
You are truly a bright man with so much wisdom from God. You have to polish your wisdom with God's grace everyday so that it will not become rusted. Our judgment and wisdom must be refined more and more.
Dear Alex, I pray for you to develop an astute perception and to grow like Jesus.
Peace be with you.
I love you and pray for you,
“To Live for Today”
O Lord, strengthen me to live today
Today, give me wisdom to testify about you
Today, give me hope to look to you more
Today, give me faith to stand firm.
More and more to become a person of love, fortitude, modesty,
to reflect you rightly and glorify you.
“Too Much Love”
The Lord knows my heart
Like bone melting away
My burning heart
He knows
Because of too much love
I cannot give up
The Lord loved us until He gave His life
O Lord give me that kind of love
Let me love them as You did
Until the end.
“December 13, 1992”
Dear Alex,
Grandmother loves you. I wanted to go back to Berrien Springs to see you, but due to my recent eye surgery I must delay going there.
Alex, I heard you were involved in a car accident and I was very worried. But thankfully you have recovered. I was grateful to God that you were safe, but I am worried again to hear news that you are sick and cannot go to school and have not been eating well.
You need to eat good food to have good health. And you must have a sound body to have a sound mind. Good health is essential to thinking rightly and becoming an honest and useful man in this world.
It is written in the Bible, "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).
I think you will do a wonderful work for God in the future and you can be a good influence to your fellow students. The students elected you as their president, but the Holy Spirit impressed them to do that.
“How to Solve Differences of Opinions”
When I saw my grandson Alex wearing shiny earrings, I felt a pain piercing my heart. I said, "Alex, I don’t think you should wear those earrings."
"Why not, Grandma? God said not to judge a man from his outward appearance, but why do you judge me on my outward appearance? It is okay if my heart is pure in front of God'."
Whenever I said anything, my clever grandson Alex gave his opinion clearly. I couldn't help but close my eyes and say a silent prayer to God.
After several days had passed, Alex appeared in the dining room wearing silver earrings that were one inch long. When I looked closely, I saw that a drop of blood had formed in the hole of the ear. My heart was filled with sadness again.
"Alex, how sad must Jesus feel looking at you? It is shameful. I beg you not to wear those earrings. Think of your parents; how would they feel? Your mother will be shocked."
Alex may have felt bad and thought that his grandma was like a Pharisee. But I couldn't keep silent and watch.
“Dec. 16, 1994”
Dear Father, my heart is darkened. They can't throw away their rock music by themselves. Please have pity on them whom You have bought with Your blood. Your mercy is great. Please give them new spirits and new minds. Please give them minds that dislike rock music. Help them to consider rock music to be a waste. Make them listen to the music of heaven.
Men are perishing by rock music. How many young men are spoiled by it? O Father, please come and save them from the snare of the wicked. Lord, I look up only to You. King of kings, Lord of Lords, You shed blood for us, forsook your body, and overcame on the cross, redeeming us through Your precious blood. Please don't give up on those perishing souls. Save them with your great mercy. Please give them life to live through your powerful word.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord. Come all the people and praise the Lord! He accomplished this wonderful work!
Dear grandson Alex,
I love you and pray that you do not disappoint Jesus, who loves you so much. Everyone can exert a good or bad influence on others; a good person will be a good influence and a bad person will be a bad influence.
Alex, you are a man of good sense, so I hope you will become like Joseph, who stood on God's side in all circumstances in Egypt.
With exceeding love, I am writing this letter with some difficulty as my eye is still recovering. I think and pray for you everyday.
Dear Alex,
You are a smart man, and I believe you will always look to Jesus and make the right decisions. May the peace of Jesus be with you.
Your Grandmother
Phil. 4:5 "Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near."
Lord, forgive me, for I am a sinner. I lack a spirit of tolerance. I lack an understanding mind. Until Alex becomes a man of love, I will tolerate, understand, and pour out more love to him. Thank you, Lord, for granting me peace again.
"Heart of Tears"
Tears are flowing over in my heart
Something in the core that I can't express,
As if a nail got stuck inside.
To love this much is painful
I don’t know how I can continue
With the pain that lives alongside…
Dear Alex,
I miss you very much. When are you coming back? I am wondering about your health. Sometimes, I worry. Then I pray more for you. Dear Alex, I pray for you to walk and talk together with Jesus. Let the Bible be your guide always. Then your life will become a blessed one. I love you, Alex. I wish that someday you will become a witness of Jesus through your life.
Grandmother who loves you very much
“In The Trial”
Aug 12, 1995
Raising my voice, I praise the Lord
With my whole heart, I praise the Lord
Though my journey is long and rough
If God is with me, the way is right
The way is filled with the fragrance of roses.
How beautiful is the Aged One, like the sun
Slipping over the western mountain
His glory appears in the cloud
Guides me, my song of thanksgiving overflows
To make me into pure gold
The repeated courses of refinement
With hot tears I say, Thank you, my Lord!
You allowed me to experience
Even a part of Job's trials, and
Since you allowed me to know even one moment
Of the Lord's sufferings
Gratitude is overflowing from my heart.
O Lord, let me know your agonizing prayer at Gethsemane
Lead me closer to You!
“Love is”
Apr. 4, 1994
Love is
Not made by words alone
Love is
From the depths of the mind
Love is
Made through the person renewed
By the love of the Lord's own heart.
“Apr. 5, 1994”
As time passes
I realize that I cannot do anything
Cannot write a letter as I wish
Cannot even speak reasonably
An unable person such as myself
Kneels and surrenders
Before the Lord, who strengthens me.
Around 2:30am, I was lying in bed praying, because I could not sleep after suffering a nightmare. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. It rang several times. I was hoping that somebody would wake up and answer the door, but the doorbell kept on ringing. I got up. As I made my way to the front door, I thought, “Maybe one of my grandchildren hasn't come home yet.”
I opened Alex’s room and Andy's room and they were sleeping. “It must be Ben, then.” I turned on the porch light, but it wasn’t Ben.
"Who is it?"
"It's me, Ronald. I came to see Alex."
I told Ronald that Alex was sleeping, but he insisted on speaking to him.
"Just for one minute,” he pleaded.
I went upstairs and told Alex, who answered in a sleepy voice, "I don't need to meet him,” and fell asleep again. Andy also didn't want to get up. Reluctantly, I went back and told Ronald that Alex did not want to meet him. But Ronald still insisted. I went back to Alex and he said, "Tell him that I will meet him in the morning."
Finally, I walked back to the front door and said, "Ronald, please come in the morning.” I felt bad about not opening the door, but I was afraid that they might have been quarreling.
"Then give me his phone number," Ronald said. I gave him the number and he left.
The next morning I was worried, so I prayed and told my daughter to pray, too.
Around lunchtime, Ronald called the house. Alex said that he got a call early in the morning and Ronald had told him that he wanted to meet. Alex went and picked Ronald up. They talked for a long time and in the meantime, I went upstairs.
Later, Alex came to me and said, “We are fine now.” Apparently, there had been a misunderstanding between them. "I told Ronald that I understand his position," said Alex. I was very glad that Alex was generous, wise and had good judgment.
"I am so happy that I have a wonderful grandson," I told him and hugged him.
“Aug. 12, 1995”
Alex told me that he was going for a walk, so I joined him. It was almost 4 a.m.
Alex thinks that he is smart and that he can do everything by himself and do it well. With pity and love, I wanted to say something to him, but he is too young to understand me. So whenever I feel like correcting him, I just pray silently.
I came home about 4:30 and although I am usually awake at that time, I hadn’t sleep enough the previous night and felt dizzy, so I went and lay down. When I woke up, it was after 6:00am and I immediately washed my face and prepared to go to Pioneer Memorial Church, whose inscription says: An House of Prayer For All People.
There at the front door, I knelt down on the cement and exposed my heart before Him and awaited His response, and He said:
"I forsook heaven and came down to this earth. Dear daughter, I beseech in my Father's presence like this. You have my mind and have hope in your grandson. Even though he bears nothing now, later, he will bear fruits. I will dig around him and fertilize him. Dear daughter, you are my fellow worker and your present situation is a valuable position."
The journey home was one of indescribable elation. Even though my cheeks were stained with tears of agony, my life was never unimportant before Him and He regarded it with mercy. I praise His mercy and compassion! I praise Him!
“Aug. 31, 1995”
When I came down to the living room, Alex was sleeping on the sofa. All of his belongings were spread out in the garage, hallways, and the other rooms as he was in the process of repainting his room.
Alex and I had talked the night before. The children had not wanted their mother to come back. Now I had to leave this house and Alex was sad. Alex would often say since he got back from Korea, “Why does a son not have his parents living with him? A Korean son should have his parents with him. Why doesn’t my uncle have grandmother with him?"
Until now, I had lived with my grandchildren thinking that it was my mission from God. Sometimes, in my moments of weakness, I wished to avoid its difficulties and at times I prayed and prayed, rebuking myself. Finally, I agreed to leave and have their mother come to live with them, but they did not like the idea of their mom coming.
This morning in the kitchen I prayed, “My Lord, please let Alex be a person of God." Again, at the bathroom sink I prayed, "Lord, help Alex grow as a beloved son of God." I felt a lump in my throat. I talked with my daughter by phone. Even though we talked quite a while there was no solution. "Let's pray and wait for God's will," was the conclusion. "My beloved Lord, show us a way to go. Give us wisdom to know your will."
Dear Alex,
I got a phone call last night from your mom. I heard that you are working. I admire your hardworking spirit. Now I am happy because I think you are earnestly seeking to become His worker. My dear grandson, our Lord Jesus Christ provides work and gives you good opportunities to show your loyalty to Him. You can become a good missionary to those who are ignorant of Jesus. I am very glad because of you.
Alex, I hope you will be a faithful worker and that you will always stay with Jesus. Look to Him and continue in your faith. You will become a great man for Jesus.
Jesus loves you as if you are the only man in the world. His love will be with you always. I pray that you will experience the joy of living in His love. I love you too, Alex.
Your grandmother
“Nov. 22, 1995”
I got a phone call from my daughter, who said, “Ben says you should be with us on Thanksgiving.” So they went to Apple Valley. While Esther picked up the vegetables, Ben picked up the other items very quickly and soon, they came back home. Ben had invited his friends, Peter and Ken, so he wanted to be well-prepared.
Andy and Elisabeth were also invited and they were going to eat vegetarian turkey. Unexpectedly, Wendy had a toothache, so Ben worried and said "Mom, let's go to a dentist.”
He told Alex. Alex came home right away and went to his mother's room. He held his mother's hands and prayed earnestly. Even after he finished his prayer he kept his eyes closed for a while. He went out to close his shop, came back, and told his mom a story about what he did for a young boy.
A boy had come to the cafe that day. He was addicted to drugs and other things and he couldn't escape his addiction. Alex took the boy in his car and drove around for about an hour talking to him and listening to him. Alex told him, "Now you must surrender, give yourself up and just lay down your life before God, and He will come and help you."
Alex said that he helped another boy too. My daughter said that the Lord surely saved Alex and was starting to use him as His tool.
Praise the Lord! Praise the mighty and the wonderful work He did for Alex! He heard our prayers and He called my grandchildren to be His tool for His work. I believe He restored Abe, Susan and Alex and I also believe he uses Andy and Ben as tools of his Holy Spirit. I thank you and praise you, Lord!
I pray that the Lord trains Alex more and more to be a suitable man for a higher calling. Please help him to study your word more earnestly and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Lord, abide in us and accomplish your will. Lord, let our lives be used only to accomplish Your will.
“Feb. 3, 1996”
Yesterday afternoon, I was praying in the living room. Suddenly, I heard the door open and people coming in.
"Grandma?” It was Alex's voice. He had come with his friends.
I finished my prayer and went down to him. They were already taking out musical instruments from the garage and going down to take out other things.
"Why are you coming inside with your boots on? Aren't they wet?"
The snow was piled up outside. Alex took off his boots and said, "Grandma, you’re driving me out so I’m taking them to my friend's house. There are a few things left and I will come back later and take them away."
Alex took out an armful of electrical cords and left with his friends. Right away, I felt a pain in my heart. Maybe my words were too harsh on him. Alex was trying to look up to Jesus and live according to His will. I saw his efforts and I was afraid that I had discouraged rather than encouraged him.
A few days ago, Wendy told me, "Alex wanted to practice his music in the house before going to Chicago to record and I didn't allow it, because it will be too noisy for the renters. He asked if he could practice in grandma's basement. So I told him to ask you about that.”
Soon enough Alex asked me about that and I said, "Alex, I don't like the music that you play.” Upon hearing my answer, Alex said, "If that is so, pray about it and give an answer to me soon, because I need to practice." Later I told Alex, "Alex, I prayed for that and I can't allow it; I am sorry."
Telling this made me feel uneasy, because he may have been expecting that I would permit him to use my basement, but I had to reject his request. My earnest desire was that Alex would quickly discern that rock and roll music was not good. From that time on, I prayed for Alex more fervently.
O Lord, please help Alex to sing and play good music that pleases you and brings you glory and honor.
Lord, have pity and save him
The heart that turns away from the Lord is
a wanderer roaming from place to place
He has no aim and no ambition
How can you raise once more a spark of life?
Lord, for this soul
I throw myself down on my knees
Holding my torn heart
Lord, besides You, who can save him?
Give him a heart to seek You fully
Today, may the Lord's invitation echo
in his empty heart
Lord, have pity on him
and save him.
“Surprised two times”
Alex married Sara while he was a dental school student. They gave me two big surprises after they got married. The first surprise happened when I was living at Timber Ridge Apartments. One day the door bell rang and I opened the door. I saw a man standing at the door holding a big basket. I thought that it must be a mistake. I wasn't supposed to receive such a big basket and I insisted that it could not be mine, but the man read the note on the basket and it was written to Lillian Chung. It was too heavy for me to hold, so the man put it on the dining table. The basket was filled with fruits and flowers. I had never received such a large present before. It was from Alex and Sara as a present for Mother's Day.
That same year on October 8, I visited Alex's house. The next day was my birthday and it was Friday, so my son and daughter-in-law were supposed to come to Berrien Springs on Sunday, October 10 to have a birthday party. But my daughter told me that Alex and Sara wanted to prepare a birthday party at their house so she drove me to Ann Arbor.
They had a beautiful small house located near a lake. Sara was a nurse and Alex was a student. I could see that Sara did her best to prepare for my birthday. She decorated the upstairs and downstairs and cooked food. She had also bought Korean groceries and my daughter cooked Korean food. On the table they had prepared birthday hats and paper trumpets and they also gave me a very big present decorated with a big red ribbon. In it there was a very nice sweater bought at a department store. With congratulations, hugs and kisses and many pictures taken, it was a very impressive birthday party. My daughter said, "Your grandson prepares your birthday party so wonderfully. From now on, we have to have a birthday party at your grandchildren's house every year."
"Let's have it here in my house, and not the other grandchildren's house each year," said Sara.
“Letters from Alex”
Oct 9, 1996
Have a wonderful birthday. We miss you very much since you moved away from me and Ben. But you're always in my heart.
May God bless you abundantly. I will try to love Jesus.
Dear Grandmother,
Thank you for being so kind and for loving us. Thank you for your prayers and your faith that God will guide us safely into the kingdom of Heaven. Thank you for your love and patience.
Your grandson,
Dear Grandma,
Thank you so much for your wedding gift. The gifts have kept us very warm and they are beautiful. The vegetables you sent are all gone and tasted great. Alex is in school, studying. He will clean my teeth next week. He will be the best dentist. I am working at the hospital and also busy making our home comfortable. I am anxious for you to come and visit. I now have tapes and books to study Korean soon. I can write you some Korean letters. Thank you again for your gift and your love. We thank God for such a special grandmother. I hope you are feeling well. We will visit you when we go to Berrien Springs. Thank you.
Sara and Alex
Dear Grandma,
I hope you have a wonderful birthday. We thank God for you. We hope that you are feeling well. Our home is ready for our new baby and we are praying that he will arrive on your birthday. This will definitely be a sign that he will grow up to be strong, wise and kind-hearted, like his grandmother. We send our love and hope to see you soon, so that you can hug Solomon and so that we can give you our birthday hugs.
Alex Sara and Solomon
* The baby Alex and Sara wished to be born on my birthday was born 4 days after my birthday, Oct.13. But in the birthday card for me, they added the name Solomon, who was still in his mother's womb.
“Dec 31. 1998”
Psalm 32:1 "Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered" (NIV)
God's grace is truly great
He forgives us our many faults, mistakes, and errors.
To cover us of our filthiness
The Lord prepared a Robe of righteousness –
How amazing is God's love!
The Lord takes my hand
To cross over the river of Jordan
Closing my eyes like a baby
Trusting my Lord I will go over the river
I depend on His Hands
Filled with peace in my heart
Life in this little world
I will go across it like a sailboat
Smoothly before fair winds
Today is the last day of 1998
Through this year, Jesus was with me always
He made known His infinite love
For this love I praise and praise.
* When I look outside of the window, I see icicles hanging from the eaves and the snow-covered roof of the apartments that stand facing north. The dried branches are also covered with snow and little sparrows fly from branch to branch and from the ground to the branches, maybe looking for some food or just playing. Everything is so beautiful, covered with snow. My daughter and son-in-law came and we went to the house at Dogwood and made some Korean dumplings. We made some bean-jam buns and steamed the dumplings. My son called me and said that he couldn't come because of the snow. Alex and Sara came and Sara's two brothers came, too. I came back to my apartment after 9 pm.
Help me to live a life in good order always
Let me realize that the influence is big if I falter
Even once in small things
What to do with these young people
Lives of disorder become their habits
How can they have right discernment?
How can they live good lives?
Whenever I think of them
Living dangerous lives everyday
I feel a horrible sweat in my hands
As if stepping on thin ice
Their lives are like
An acrobat walking on the rope
That crosses a deep valley
How dangerous are their lives!
Lord! What can we do?
Please wake them up
From a dim and sleepy spell
Help them now to have a corrected spirit
And look to the Lord of hope.
Dear grandma,
Have a great day, grandma. We love you. Thank you for all the prayers and love you give us. We are proud that you are our grandmother.
Philip, Alex and Eliza
Dear Grandma,
Thank you so much for the gifts for Christmas. The pillows and blankets are beautiful. We enjoyed visiting with you and celebrating the New Year. We love you.
Alex, Eliza and Philip
Dear Grandma.
Happy Birthday! We are so pleased that we moved closer to you and will be able to visit often. We love you and thank you for all of the love and prayers you give our family
Alex, Eliza and Philip
*Sara and Alex write me a friendly letter with pictures once a month. And they also send me some missionary funds.
Dear Great Grandma,
Thank you so much for attending my second birthday party. I always love spending time with you. Thank you for the gift also. I have moved into a new home now and play with my cousin Andrew often. I hope to visit you again in Berrien Springs soon. I love you.
Philip (written by his mother)
* I am so happy to have such a friendly granddaughter-in law
“Philip's Birthday and Alex's Moving”
I had a chance to go to Chicago unexpectedly. I tried several times to talk to Ben, but I was unable to reach him. When I called him in the evening, he was not home yet, and I couldn't call him during the busy morning time. My daughter told me that she would go to Chicago to help Alex move and to celebrate Philip's birthday so I decided to go with her.
Philip's birthday was held at his Uncle Tom's house. Philip turned 7 years old and his mother is home schooling him. He is in the 3rd grade now. He grew up a lot. Tom's wife was very kind. Her children were kind too. I thought they looked like their mother.
I slept at Alex's house one night and the next morning, I washed my face and read the Bible, and Alex came to me. We talked together and worshiped and prayed one by one with my daughter and son-in-law.
I was touched when I heard about Alex’s future dreams. He said that he was worried about the poor church members and the present situation of his church. He expressed the need for creating work opportunities for them. As a young elder, he was considering the church’s future and I hope that the family reunion on Thanksgiving this year would be a day of fulfilling God's will, not just one of having a pleasant time together.
I met Ben and talked with him about my book. He said that he had been too busy to translate the book, and in two weeks he would finish the work of translation and bring it to me. I was satisfied with the plan and I came home. It was about 9:30pm when I arrived home.
Happy Valentines Day!
I hope you are well and happy. I am learning my numbers and riding my bike.
I'm sending lots of hugs and kisses to you.
*I received a Valentine Day’s card from Philip, my great-grandson. The card was in the shape of a flower with a red heart, and the writing was short and very friendly. I was very touched.
Dear Grandma,
Happy Mother's Day! We hope you have a great day. We wanted you to know how much we love and appreciate you.
Thank you for living for God. Thank you for your prayers, your efforts, and your tears. I know that God has something more and more for you to do for Him. Praise Him always!

정무흠님의 댓글

***그 영광의 빛 속으로!!!-6.25로 사랑하는 남편을 잃고, 불치병과 가난과 절망의 구렁텅이에서 구세주를 만난 여인의 파란만장한 삶의 이야기(박옥종 Lilian Chung)***
*아래에 있는 1부, 2부, 3부, 4부, 5부를 클릭하시면 계속되는 흥미진진하고 교훈적인 유익한 스토리를 읽으실 수 있습니다.
18 그 영광의 빛속으로 제 5부 감사의 노래 - 박옥종 정무흠2013.10.11111 17 그 영광의 빛속으로 제 4부 침례! 새출발! 인생역전! - 박옥종 정무흠2013.10.1192
16 그 영광의 빛 속으로! 제 3부 한국 동란! 고난의 세월! 가난 속에 핀 꽃! 박옥종(Lilian Chung) 정무흠2013.10.1195 15 그 영광의 빛 속으로!!! 제 2부 행복한 결혼! 해방! 아들, 딸의 출생! 박옥종(Lilian Chung) 정무흠2013.10.11100 14 그 영광의 빛 속으로 제 1부 출생과 배경 - 박옥종 정무흠2013.10.1197 13 고 박옥종집사님 장례예배 장면 장면들.... 정무흠2013.10.11105 12 할머니와 손자녀들! PART 6 My Grandson Benjamin-박옥종 Lilian Chung 정무흠2013.10.1185 11 할머니와 손자녀들! PART 5 My Grandson Alexander-박옥종 Lilian Chung 정무흠2013.10.1186 10 할머니와 손자녀들 PART 4 My Grandson Andrew-박옥종 Lilian Chung 정무흠2013.10.1184 9 할머니와 손자녀들! PART 3 My Grandson Abraham-박옥종 Lilian Chung 정무흠2013.10.1187 8 할머니와 손자녀들! PART 2 My Granddaughter Susan-박옥종 Lilian Chung 정무흠2013.10.1181 7 할머니와 손자녀들 PART 1 My First Grandson, George 박옥종 Lilian Chung 정무흠2013.10.1183
2013.10.19 10:55
정무흠 목사님.
제가 오늘은 우리 아이들이 일찍 함께 잠을 자자고 조르는 바람에
저녁 9시 반쯤 잠자리에 들었었습니다.
그래서 그런지 새벽 1시쯤 잠에서 깨어
정목사님이 올려 놓으신
어머님의 자서전같은 글들을 4시간여 읽었습니다.
구구절절.... 진심과 정직, 하늘을 향한 끊임없는 믿음,
윗 어르신들에 대한 예의와 자녀들에 대한 지극함,
하나님과 사람 앞에 언제나 반듯하게 살아 오신
어머님의 삶이 저에게 깊은 감동을 주었습니다.
최근 들어 이렇게 오랜 시간을 남의 글들을 읽은 적이 없었는데
정말 정목사님의 어머님의 글은
결코 중간에 멈출 수 없는 진지함과 더불어 흥미를 갖게하는
놀라운 힘이 있었습니다.
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