Beyond the Open Door [동영상과 가사] [골든엔젤스, Faith First, Gaither Vocal Band, Anchorman] > 음악

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Beyond the Open Door [동영상과 가사] [골든엔젤스, Faith First, Gaither Vocal Band…

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Beyond the Open Door

In the things familiar we find security
Resisting all the changes that days and years can bring,
When God decides to lead you through an open door
Inviting you to walk in realms you've never known before.

Beyond the open door is a new and fresh anointing,
Hear the Spirit calling you to go.
Walk on through the door for the Lord will go before you
Into a greater power you've never known before.

Hear the Spirit calling to wake the living dead,
To reach the huddled masses who cry out for living bread.
Arise, oh mighty army, take up thy shield and sword
For the Father lifts His golden lamp beside the open door. 

Beyond the open door is a new and fresh anointing,
Hear the Spirit calling you to go.
Walk on through the door for the Lord will go before you
Into a greater power you've never known before.

Beyond the open door is a new and fresh anointing,
Hear the Spirit calling you to go.
Walk on through the door for the Lord will go before you
Into a greater power you've never known . . . 

Where He leads me, I will follow.
Where He leads me, I will follow.
And where He leads me, I will follow
Into a greater power you've never known before,
Beyond the open door.

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